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  • Reviving the Ancient Indian Gurukul Education System

    Reviving the Ancient Indian Gurukul Education System0

    Research & Awakening by: Srinivas V (Sri) Foreword Education has always been the foundation of civilization, and India’s ancient Gurukul system was one of the world’s most advanced learning models. In an era dominated by rote learning and standardized exams, the wisdom of Gurukuls offers a fresh perspective on experiential and value-based education. This book

  • Special Olympics Bharat wins Bronze in Detroit

    Special Olympics Bharat wins Bronze in Detroit0

    Special Olympics Bharat returns from the Unified Cup 2022 Detroit with a Bronze Medal, and we couldn’t be prouder. The team returned on August 9, in New Delhi, beaming with pride and joy following the event. The Lalit Suri Hospitality Group that has supported the team since beginning as their official Happiness Partner hosted a